Financial Management for Contracts


Sharing the Burden: Understanding Coinsurance in Your Insurance​

Insurance protects you financially, but it’s a two-way street. Coinsurance embodies this concept by establishing a risk-sharing mechanism between you and your insurer.​ How Coinsurance Works:​ Coinsurance in Property Insurance:​ The Importance of Understanding Coinsurance:​…


Your Insurance Policy Schedule: A Quick Reference Guide​

Ever received a stack of documents from your insurer and wondered what it all means? The policy schedule acts as your cheat sheet, summarizing the essential details of your insurance coverage.​ What’s Included in a…


Understanding Exclusions in Your Insurance Policy​

Your insurance policy protects you against a range of events, but it’s not all-encompassing. Exclusions are specific situations where coverage is denied, even if they seem related to covered events.​ Why Exclusions Exist:​ Examples of…


Understanding the Basis of Indemnity in Insurance​

The “basis of indemnity” is a fundamental principle governing how much compensation you receive under an insurance policy for a covered loss. Let’s explore how this applies to property damage insurance:​ This principle ensures you’re…

Safeguarding Your Business: Essential Loss Prevention Guidelines​

Every business faces potential losses, be it property damage, injuries, or financial setbacks. Fortunately, proactive measures can significantly reduce these risks. Here, we explore key loss prevention guidelines to keep your business safe:​ By implementing…