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  • Course

    Calling Bank Guarantees: Safeguarding Financial and Legal Interests


    “Calling Bank Guarantees” involves various methods such as negotiation, payment, offering collateral, or legal action to release a party from a guarantee before its expiry. This process, crucial in managing financial and legal risks, requires careful consideration and professional consultation to safeguard relationships and financial stability. Estimated Duration: 300 Minutes Tier: Proficiency

  • Course

    Contracts – Roots of Modern Contract Law


    This course traces contract law from ancient Mesopotamia and Rome to modern frameworks, highlighting medieval Lex Mercatoria, differences between common and civil law, industrial age evolution, and 20th-century consumer protections. It shows contract law’s adaptability to societal changes, balancing freedom and fairness. Estimated Duration: 310 Minutes Tier: Proficiency

  • Course

    Position Building in Negotiations


    Course “Position Building in Negotiations” outlines strategies for establishing demands or requirements in negotiations. It discusses defining clear positions, differentiating between positions and interests, stating positions effectively, and techniques such as anchoring and concessions. It examines understanding the other party’s perspective, adjusting positions, and reaching agreements that honor the core interests of all parties involved….

  • Course

    Using Questions in Negotiations


    Course “Using Questions in Negotiations” explores the strategic use of questioning in negotiation contexts. It emphasizes how well-crafted questions can effectively uncover deeper insights, challenge assumptions, and guide discussions towards desired outcomes, ultimately aiding in decision-making and problem resolution. The focus is on enhancing negotiation skills through the art of inquiry. Estimated Duration: 280 Minutes…

  • Course

    Managing Cross-Border Contracts Compliance


    This course emphasizes the aspects of managing cross-border contract compliance, focusing on the importance of international trade in economic growth and market integration. It highlights the complexities of navigating export regulations and the critical role of compliance in risk management. By incorporating clauses related to compliance with local laws into international contracts, companies can effectively…

  • Course

    Constituting Contracts: Legal Elements and Best Practices


    This course covers key aspects of contract law, including the elements of a contract (offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity, intention), managing time and materials (T&M) and unit price contracts, and the effects of misrepresentation, mistakes, and illegality. Emphasis is on proper documentation, legal enforceability, and ethical practices. Estimated Duration: 410 Minutes Tier: Advanced

  • Course

    Non-Verbal Communication in Negotiations


    Course “Non-Verbal Communication in Negotiations” covers the key role that non-verbal cues play in negotiation processes. It discusses how body language, facial expressions, gestures, and other non-verbal elements can influence the outcome of negotiations, stressing the importance of awareness and control over these silent signals to effectively convey intentions and read counterparts’ responses. Estimated Duration:…

  • Course

    Advanced Strategic Commercial Management: Optimizing Contract Output


    Course “Advanced Strategic Commercial Management” outlines a systematic approach for enhancing business strategies to optimize performance and maintain market competitiveness. It focuses on market analysis, strategic planning, efficient resource allocation, and performance monitoring. Additionally, it discusses the importance of quality assurance and risk management in aligning strategic objectives with operational capabilities. Estimated Duration: 390 Minutes…

  • Course

    The Power of Back-Channels Communication: Advancing Negotiations Through Private Dialogue


    The course provides a detailed examination of leveraging informal, non-public lines of communication to advance negotiations. It underscores the significance of building trust, encouraging frank discussions, and exploring mutually beneficial solutions while navigating sensitive issues discreetly to achieve agreement and strengthen partnerships. Estimated Duration: 250 Minutes Tier: Proficiency

  • Course

    Working with Empathy: Building Stronger Contracts


    Course “Working with Empathy” explores the importance of empathy in professional settings. It discusses strategies for understanding and sharing the feelings of others to enhance communication, negotiation, and relationship-building. Empathy in the workplace fosters a collaborative environment, leading to better teamwork and more effective problem-solving. Estimated Duration: 250 Minutes Tier: Proficiency

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – How to Deblock Negotiations: Overcoming Stalemates for Smooth Agreements


    Certification course Course “How to Deblock Negotiations” offers professionals strategies to resolve negotiation stalemates. It focuses on effective techniques to navigate through and unlock deadlocked discussions, ensuring that agreements are reached smoothly and effectively. The content is tailored to enhance the skills of negotiators in achieving favorable outcomes while maintaining productive professional relationships. Estimated Duration:…

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – The Art of Anchoring in Negotiation: Setting the Stages in Negotiations


    Certification course “The Art of Anchoring in Negotiation” outlines a negotiation strategy where the first offer sets a reference point that heavily influences the discussion. It details psychological tendencies to overvalue initial information and strategic responses, like incremental adjustments and re-anchoring, to navigate towards beneficial outcomes. Estimated Duration: 170 Minutes Tier: Proficiency