tier - basics

  • Skill Bit

    “Objective” Approach to Contract Interpretation


    This Skill Bit talks about the objective approach, which interprets contracts based on what a reasonable person would understand, focusing on contract language and context, not parties’ subjective beliefs. It promotes certainty but may struggle with ambiguous language or changing circumstances. Duration approx. 3 Min. Tier: basics

  • Skill Bit

    Freedom of Contract in Common Law & the Plain Meaning Rule


    This Skill Bit talks about Common law, which emphasizes freedom of contract, allowing parties to negotiate freely. Courts generally enforce agreed terms, even with unequal bargaining power, unless illegal, against public policy, or obtained through fraud, duress, or undue influence. Some laws protect vulnerable parties and limit contract terms. The plain meaning rule interprets clear…

  • Skill Bit

    Contract Interpretation in Common Law versus Civil Law: Use of Extrinsic Evidence


    This Skill Bit talks about Common and civil law systems that differ in contract interpretation. Common law prioritizes parties’ intentions, using contract language and extrinsic evidence. The “plain meaning rule” applies when language is clear. Civil law emphasizes the contract’s literal meaning, often disregarding parties’ intentions. However, exceptions exist, like German law considering circumstances and…

  • Skill Bit

    Enforceability and Formal Requirements in Contracts in Civil versus Common Law


    This Skill Bit talks about Common and civil law systems, which differ in contract enforceability. Common law emphasizes basic requirements like offer, acceptance, and consideration, while civil law prioritizes formalities like writing. Both systems consider legality, fairness, and contract clarity for enforceability. Common and civil law systems have distinct contract formality requirements. Common law is…

  • Skill Bit

    Autonomy of the Contracting Parties in Civil versus Common Law


    This Skill Bit talks about the autonomy principle that allows parties to freely negotiate contract terms without external interference, maximizing their control over the agreement. While central in both common and civil law, its application varies: common law prioritizes party autonomy, while civil law may balance it with protections for vulnerable parties and enforceability standards….

  • Skill Bit

    Introduction to Civil versus Common Law


    This Skill Bit talks about Common law and civil law contracts, which differ in formation and enforcement. Common law relies on case law, while civil law uses codified statutes. Common law emphasizes party intentions and flexibility, while civil law prioritizes formal rules and good faith. Duration approx. 3 Min. Tier: basics

  • Skill Bit

    Non-compliance in Contractual Relationships


    This Skill Bit talks about non-compliance, which means failing to meet contractual or legal requirements. It can lead to lawsuits, fines, reputational damage, and even contract termination. To avoid these issues, focus on prevention with compliance systems and training. If non-compliance occurs, address it quickly to minimize harm. Consulting a professional for legal advice is…

  • Skill Bit

    Assignment of Duties in Contractual Relationships


    This Skill Bit lets you transfer contractual obligations to another party (assignee) with the obligee’s (other party’s) consent. The assignee assumes your responsibilities, but you generally remain liable unless a novation occurs. Legal advice is recommended for navigating assignment clauses. Duration approx. 4 Min. Tier: basics

  • Skill Bit

    Set Of Basic Principals In Contractual Relationships


    This Skill Bit talks about how contracts often have unwritten rules. This blog explores core principles like privity of contract, assignment of duties, implied terms, and breach of contract. Understanding these principles helps navigate contractual relationships and potential issues. Duration approx. 3 Min. Tier: basics