Basics about Contracts

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – Civil versus Common Law


    Certification course “Civil versus Common Law Contracts” compares contract formation and enforcement in common and civil law systems. Common law focuses on judicial decisions and flexibility, while civil law emphasizes codified statutes and formalities. Key topics include privity, autonomy, enforceability, interpretation, and the role of good faith in both systems. Estimated Duration: 500 Minutes Tier:…

  • Handout

    HANDOUT – Civil versus Common Law


    HANDOUT “Civil versus Common Law Contracts” compares contract formation and enforcement in common and civil law systems. Common law focuses on judicial decisions and flexibility, while civil law emphasizes codified statutes and formalities. Key topics include privity, autonomy, enforceability, interpretation, and the role of good faith in both systems. You receive 6 downloadable PDF files

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – Roots of Modern Contract Law


    Certification course This course traces contract law from ancient Mesopotamia and Rome to modern frameworks, highlighting medieval Lex Mercatoria, differences between common and civil law, industrial age evolution, and 20th-century consumer protections. It shows contract law’s adaptability to societal changes, balancing freedom and fairness. Estimated Duration: 310 Minutes Tier: Proficiency

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – An Overview on Ancient Contract Laws


    Certification course This course explores the evolution of contract law from ancient times, emphasizing the roots in Mesopotamian and Roman legal frameworks, the medieval Lex Mercatoria, and the differentiation of common and civil law traditions. Significant developments during the Industrial Revolution and modern regulatory adjustments, such as consumer protections and international harmonization, illustrate how contract…

  • Handout

    HANDOUT – Roots of Modern Contract Law


    HANDOUT This course traces contract law from ancient Mesopotamia and Rome to modern frameworks, highlighting medieval Lex Mercatoria, differences between common and civil law, industrial age evolution, and 20th-century consumer protections. It shows contract law’s adaptability to societal changes, balancing freedom and fairness.

  • Handout

    HANDOUT – An Overview on Ancient Contract Laws


    HANDOUT This course explores the evolution of contract law from ancient times, emphasizing the roots in Mesopotamian and Roman legal frameworks, the medieval Lex Mercatoria, and the differentiation of common and civil law traditions. Significant developments during the Industrial Revolution and modern regulatory adjustments, such as consumer protections and international harmonization, illustrate how contract law…

  • Course

    Civil versus Common Law


    “Civil versus Common Law Contracts” compares contract formation and enforcement in common and civil law systems. Common law focuses on judicial decisions and flexibility, while civil law emphasizes codified statutes and formalities. Key topics include privity, autonomy, enforceability, interpretation, and the role of good faith in both systems. Estimated Duration: 500 Minutes Tier: Advanced

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – Constituting Contracts: Legal Elements and Best Practices


    Certification course This course covers key aspects of contract law, including the elements of a contract (offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity, intention), managing time and materials (T&M) and unit price contracts, and the effects of misrepresentation, mistakes, and illegality. Emphasis is on proper documentation, legal enforceability, and ethical practices. Estimated Duration: 410 Minutes Tier: Advanced

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – The Fundamentals of Contract Management: Onboarding for Professionals


    Certification course The Course outlines a detailed onboarding program focusing on many aspects of contract management. It introduces fundamental concepts including the types and significance of contracts, key elements of contract management, administration, and compliance. Additionally, it covers digital contract management solutions, emphasizing their role in transforming and streamlining traditional contract processes. Estimated Duration: 330…

  • CERTIFICATION COURSE – Essential Contract Types for Business Transactions


    Certification course This course covers key contract types essential for business transactions, including equity investment contracts, debt investment contracts, joint venture agreements, and real estate investment contracts. It highlights crucial clauses, legal implications, and strategic importance, providing a comprehensive understanding necessary for effective management and negotiation of these contracts. Estimated Duration: 430 Minutes Tier: Basics

  • Course

    An Overview on Ancient Contract Laws


    This course explores the evolution of contract law from ancient times, emphasizing the roots in Mesopotamian and Roman legal frameworks, the medieval Lex Mercatoria, and the differentiation of common and civil law traditions. Significant developments during the Industrial Revolution and modern regulatory adjustments, such as consumer protections and international harmonization, illustrate how contract law has…

  • Course

    Contracts – Roots of Modern Contract Law


    This course traces contract law from ancient Mesopotamia and Rome to modern frameworks, highlighting medieval Lex Mercatoria, differences between common and civil law, industrial age evolution, and 20th-century consumer protections. It shows contract law’s adaptability to societal changes, balancing freedom and fairness. Estimated Duration: 310 Minutes Tier: Proficiency