Skill Bits
The Negotiator's Playbook: Ensuring Success
This Skill Bit shows that effective follow-up in negotiations is as crucial as the negotiations themselves, ensuring agreements are implemented and…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Closing the Deal
This Skill Bit shows that meticulously preparing and consistently applying negotiation techniques ensures success and trust among parties. Finalizi…
The Negotiator's Playbook: The Written Word in Negotiations
This Skill Bit shows that crafting commitments and concessions in written form, while reserving all rights, is more than a procedural step; it’s a …
The Negotiator's Playbook: Formalizing Success
This Skill Bit emphasizes that formalizing negotiation communication is essential for enhancing clarity, reliability, and professionalism. By reduc…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Mastering the Art of Concession
This Skill Bit shows that crafting and managing commitments and concessions in negotiations is an art requiring foresight, tact, and understanding….
The Negotiator's Playbook: Court vs. Compromise
This Skill Bit shows that utilizing demand dynamics in negotiation involves confidently presenting your product’s market strength while considering…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Demand Dynamics
This Skill Bit shows that utilizing demand dynamics in negotiation involves confidently presenting your product’s market strength while considering…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Influencing Agreement
This Skill Bit shows that in negotiations, utilizing examples, analogies, legitimacy, and problem-highlighting enhances communication. Examples ill…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Driving Points Home
This Skill Bit shows that in negotiations, leveraging examples, analogies, legitimacy, and problem-highlighting can bolster communication effective…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Visualizing
This Skill Bit shows, that visual aids in negotiations, when used effectively, enhance communication by transforming complex data into accessible i…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Navigating Impasses
This Skill Bit highlights that when negotiations fail, various outcomes can emerge: no deal, pursuing alternative solutions, engaging in litigation…
The Negotiator's Playbook: Result-Driven Negotiations
This Skill Bit shows that a strategy for result-driven negotiations centers on specific, measurable outcomes, understanding influencing factors, kn…