Contract Administration

Navigating Contract Negotiations: Integrating Legal Insight for Successful Agreements​

Contract negotiations are more than just discussions; they are pivotal moments where the contours of legal agreements take shape. From sales contracts to employment agreements, each type requires nuanced negotiation strategies tailored to its specific…


Standardization in Engineering Insurance: The London Engineering Group (LEG) Rules​

The engineering industry deals with complex projects, requiring specialized insurance solutions. The London Engineering Group (LEG) Insurance Rules offer a standardized approach to this need.​ What are LEG Rules?​ Developed by the London insurance market,…


Understanding Inaccurate Terminology: A Clarification on USM Damage Caps​

In construction contracts, encountering the term “USM damage cap” might raise questions. This post clarifies the concept and corrects a common misconception.​ USM Explained (Incorrect Definition):​ The text defines USM as “unlimited supply of materials.”…


Safeguarding Project Start-Up: Understanding Delay in Start-Up (DSU) Insurance​

Construction and engineering projects are susceptible to delays that can cause significant financial strain. Delay in Start-Up (DSU) insurance acts as a safety net, mitigating these risks.​ What is DSU Insurance?​ Imagine a project’s operational…


Understanding Coverage Limits: Customer All Risk (CAR) and Machinery Breakdown (MB) Insurance​

Construction projects and machinery are significant investments. Protecting them requires specialized insurance. This blog post explores CAR and MB insurance, focusing on a key concept – USM damage caps.​ CAR and MB Insurance: Protecting Your…


Understanding Coverage Nuances: Engineering All Risks (EAR) and Machinery Breakdown (MB) Insurance​

Construction and industrial projects rely heavily on equipment and machinery. Protecting these assets requires specialized insurance solutions. Let’s explore Engineering All Risks (EAR) and Machinery Breakdown (MB) insurance and a key element – London Market…


Understanding the Risks: Comparing EAR and Third-Party Liability Insurance in Construction​

Construction projects involve a multitude of risks. Understanding the differences between EAR (Erection All Risk) insurance and third-party liability insurance is crucial for effective risk management.​ EAR protects the insured’s own property (equipment and materials)…


Safeguarding Equipment During Installation: Understanding Erection All Risk (EAR) Insurance​

Construction projects involve the installation of expensive equipment and machinery. Erection All Risk (EAR) insurance acts as a safety net, protecting contractors and builders from financial burdens if this equipment gets damaged during the installation…


Building with Security: Understanding Construction All Risk (CAR) Insurance in EPC Contracts​

Entering an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contract involves mitigating risks throughout the project lifecycle. Construction All Risk (CAR) insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding both the project and the customer’s financial well-being.​ What…